The Bad News
If I put all my attention on what's wrong, then that's all I will notice in my life.The Good News
Once you know that, then you can do something about it.The Better News
If I put my attention on what I have, I feel gratitude. And gratitude attracts more Good in my life. How? When I am grateful, I am open. That openness and joy I feel when I am in gratitude allows good things to come to me.The Best News
The One that created us and all the world is constantly giving Itself to us. We are not solid. This is not just rhetoric. Science has found ways to see this. The subatomic particles that make up all matter are actually moving energy. And that moving energy is coming into and out of existence thousands of times per second. So we are not solid. We are not permanent. We are not who we think we are.If we are not who we think we are, then who are we?
Who is it that knows that you are reading right now? Who is it that knows what you think and feel in response to it?There is something in you that witnesses everything you think, feel, do, remember. Can you feel that? Sit with this a moment. Close your eyes. Does that part have a face? Does that part have an age? Does that part have a role?
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How About You?
Does that part feel ageless? timeless?Did you like it? Did it scare you? Did it feel like home?