Monday, October 13, 2014

Feeling Without? Look Within

Like everyone, I've had moments when I have felt without.

My entire adolescence for example.

Whether it's a feeling of being without friends, without cash, without understanding, or without a clue, there is hope for change.

Luckily these days, those times are few and far between. But when I was stuck in that deep hole in my mind, it wasn't easy to find a way out. After all, staying in that rut is only going to keep producing the same thoughts and same emotions, and so the same results.

A Mental Shift Gets Things Moving

If I mentally change empty hands into receptive hands or giving hands, that changes everything.

At those times, I have found it helpful to reach out to others. Do some volunteering. Go out for a walk in the woods, or go to the ocean and breathe the fresh air while looking at that vast horizon. That reminds me that there is so much more to life than whatever put me in that mental hole. It takes my mind off myself, and with any luck, I'll start to change my thinking.

Another helpful thing is to go within. It's great when I need clarity about something, or when I need to make a decision.

Here's one way to go within and get clarity:

  1. Find a quiet place and get comfy.
  2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply at least three times. Listen to your breath going in. And out.
  3. Think of something that makes you happy. I like to think of hearing my cat purring or snoring. That always puts a smile on my face.
  4. If you want, invoke the help of your inner guidance or higher knowing.
  5. Bring your question to mind. Gently. No worries. No push. Just let it sit in your lap a moment.
  6. Then ask yourself, "What would I feel if this were solved?" or "What would the perfect outcome look like?" or "What if I knew the perfect response?" Something like that.
  7. And listen. Inside. Imagine your heart to speak to you. What would it say?
  8. If you need to make a choice, it might be helpful to put the choices side by side and sense which one feels right. Or lit up. Or try holding one option in your right hand and the other in your left hand. Which one feels better or lighter?
  9. If you still don't have an answer, affirm that you will wake up easily & clearly knowing what you need to know for the situation.
  10. Thank your inner knowing, your heart, or whatever you touched to get the answer, even if you didn't get one yet.
  11. Breathe a nice sigh of relief, and off you go.


How About You?

Let me know how it works for you, or if you have another favorite way to get clarity in your mind.

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