Tenacious Little Seeds - Tenacious Little Thoughts
Sometimes they rinse out easily. Sometimes they are amazingly tenacious, requiring quite a concerted effort to remove them.So I had to wonder... are they reflecting some of my more tenacious thoughts? Thoughts that, like the raspberry seeds, serve no useful purpose any more? Thoughts that are actually getting in the way of what I want?
In the case of the food processor, what I want at that point is a clean container.
In the case of my mind, I want the same thing. A clean container of mind and heart. Free of negative emotions like frustration (like with the raspberry seeds!). Free of emotions about past events that only live in my memory. Free of wishing things were different, or that I were thinner, richer, fill-in-the-blank.
Thoughts of if-only. Ever have any of those?
The Gift of Time and Attention
So much is clear in hind-sight. So I sit on my meditation cushion. It happens to be on the sofa, but it works. I put on music or my favorite gong that allows me to breathe very slowly. And by sitting there for 20 minutes, I wash my mind of nagging thoughts and worries. I can always pick them up later if I still want them.But for now, I take the time to sit with myself. To give myself the gift of time with myself. No distractions. No electronic devices. No status updates. No housework. No schoolwork. No errands. Just Being.
Its like a mini-vacation.
And I miss it when I skip it. I notice a huge difference when I take time to do a little yoga and sit in the morning. It's a chance to break the habit of worry, of stress. And clear out those sticky mental raspberry seeds so I have a nice clean container with which to start my day.
And I am grateful to have the trifecta of time, health, and financial support.
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