Chocolate - You Really Got Me Now!
I was a picky eater as a kid, and I still am now. But one thing I have always loved is... chocolate! Dark chocolate to be specific.Sound track by The Kinks: "You really got me now.
You got me so I don't know what I'm doing..."
I Came for the Cake
My mother told me that the afternoon before she went into labor with me, she had a friend over (She only had two kids to deal with at that time, so she actually had friends.) and she had baked a chocolate cake. After her friend left, she proceeded to eat half the cake. Then she went into labor.She told me this story when I was about 20. Long before the days when we knew the term carbo-loading. I smile at the thought now. Did I feel the chocolate rush and decide it was time to get me some of that? Did the caffeine rush induce labor a little earlier than I might have wanted? All I know is chocolate and I have had a thing going ever since.
Those of you who more-than-love chocolate would probably agree with me that it is one of the basic food groups. That said, I have been on a food cleanse, which means I've been eating what I'm supposed to, which does not include sugar or caffeine. But a girl can dream, can't she? In fact, sometimes I do dream about chocolate.
I've Given It Up Lots of Times
I have given up chocolate several times for a year or more. I usually dream about it after a few dayswithout it. I'm sitting there enjoying a huge rich brownie with sweet frosting, and suddenly remember that I'm not supposed to be eating it. Really?! I'm ruining the fun for myself even in my sleep?
One time I had been off chocolate for three years when a coworker had an chocolate fudge cake for his birthday. My coworkers laughed when I said, "I just want to smell it; that will be enough." They laughed and waved the plate in front of me, tempting me to eat a slice.
Fireworks in the Brain
But it wasn't a joke. And I knew it. Later I read that there is a substance called pyrozine in chocolate, roasted nuts, and roasted coffee, that creates endorphins in the brain. I remember this term because it's like pyrotechnics (fireworks) in my brain. So when I pause to smell someone grinding coffee at the local market, or walk into See's Candies and inhale and feel delightful, there is a chemical reason for it.So next time you pass the coffee grinder at the market, inhale deeply and enjoy!
Ecstacy in Chocolate
In the book Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue, I read a long list of feel-good reasons for why we like chocolate. One was "mouth-feel" because chocolate melts at body temperature. Some reasons were chemical. It said that the street drug Extacy is in chocolate. Really?! Well... That explains a lot.So I'm taking a class on emotional eating. Yeah, I know, mom's bribes of chocolate dessert if I ate my dinner were a big set-up for this. But she was doing the best she could to get me to eat something.